Survey Results
Great Haseley Neighbourhood Priority Statement
Consultation Response
The results of the survey – 47 responses out of a household base of 232[1] - show a reasonable consensus around the major priorities that the Statement should address.
We have grouped these under four themes:
- Protection of our green spaces and particular views
- Wildlife offset / protection
- Protection of historic features – eg vestiges of strip farming / medieval fishponds
- Design principles to be embedded in future development
- Solar panels
- Light pollution
- Physical connections within and beyond our community – footpaths, cycle-paths, traffic management
- Noise and air pollution
- Public transport
- Traffic calming / deterrent
- Investng in Community Facilities
- Play equipment, play areas / facilities for children
- Inclusion and participation
What happens next?
We’d like to set up four small working groups to develop ideas in these themes, to meet a couple of times over the next six weeks to scope out issues, identify some initial ideas and then refine them into a set of firm proposals.
We anticipate that the first of these meetings should be held in the week beginning 30th January, and the second a month later in the week beginning 28th February. This will give us time to pull the ideas into a final shape during March.
A number of respondents to the initial survey indicated that they would be welcome to help: what we’d like now is a firm indication of your willingness to be involved, and which of these four subject areas you’d like to be associated with. Please could you send an email to [email protected], the email address we have set up for everything to do with the Neighbourhood Priority Statement project.
Even if you don’t want to be directly involved, we’d really like to hear any ideas you might have under each of these headings for how we can protect and enhance our community. Please use the dedicated email address given above to send in any thoughts or suggestions.
[1] file:///Users/timsuter/Downloads/Local_Insight_Great_Haseley.pdf